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This video from MPCstuff.com shows how to remove the casing from your Akai MPC 2500 to change the pad set , sensors , buttons , LCD screen , Faceplate skins …
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Posted by Admin Support in Akai MPC 4000 Blog Tags: 2500, Akai, Casing, Install, MPCstuff.com, Removal
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pleas help my with my mpc xlcd problem! never had any problems with
recording before.but i just now installed the big screen with the included
jjos and it will not record my keyboard. it acts like if iwe just opp all
my recording time, but i still got 12 minutes free.do u know what to do?
has this ever happend to you
i am having serious trouble trying to figure out how to install the
sensors. I’ve removed everything as per your video but it seems that the
sensor is in a very hard to reach area (where it plugs in) and i even
unscrewed the plate that the sensor sits on and it’s a very tight spot
that’s hard to reach. any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
google mpc stuff
You order them online man.
You know your shit man. I bet you could fix my old Chevy too.
Where can you purchase MPC Pads and cursors?
what do you use to change the button colors, ie; certain type of paint or
I’m having problems removing the knobs .removing case 4 the first time any
The 25K looks real “chuuuch” with the black pads on it, cool shit!!!