An Akai MPC-2000XL, a sample, and a bright imagination are all that Inztrow needs to create this bangin’ beat entitled “Breaking Ground”. To hear more of Inz…
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Video from 2002 introducing the Akai Z4 and Z8. Not great quality, but may be interesting for some. They didn’t last long, but had some processing power for …
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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BIG UP !! Inztrow got some serious beats….. wWc
@OnlyRawAudio And what do you think of the beat he made?
Mad love to Inztrow (aka MCM) and GanzHQ for this….. Keep it up!
That first beat was used in Brother Ali’s “picket fence” track!
that sound like some Urban shit nigga that shit is hot….
@OnlyRawAudio Good feedback !
this beat is straight fire!!
Damm what i trip! never knew, but the first sample is the same beat at the
Inztrow & GanzHQ are Real Hip Hop !
Liking this insight into Inztrow. Nice beat, and sweet setup too! Looks
like a chill work place. Thanks to wWc and GanzHQ for putting this out
@huntedrasta The Beat is kool, it has a mellow vibe to it. The layering he
did was ill, I feel like people don’t do that enough.
Still using them Floppies, haha man those shit are a hassle!
serious beat man
this is a great video..thanks for posting. i wanted one of these a while
back and could not afford it. they are still rather expensive on the used
market $500 to $750 depending on what add ons it has. I ended up buying two
yamaha a4000’s and an su700 for about the price of one z8. I still want a
z8 but may have to wait for the price to come down more. I am becoming a
sampler collector.