Akai MPC 4000 Blog Category

A tutorial on how to chop breaks in to a program, edit the samples as a whole like you would with jjos global program edit in the mpc 2500/1000.
Video Rating: 5 / 5
The Akai MPC-4000 is a sequencing, sampling, beat-making powerhouse. If you even think about calling yourself a professional, you should buy this machine. Th…
Video Rating: 3 / 5

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really cool!
posted in MPC4000 BeatsI came for the 4000...
posted in MPC4000 Beatsthis is awesome! do you just record into the ram machines in...
posted in MPC4000 Beatscan you tell me what are you doing on the mpc ?...
posted in MPC4000 BeatsFuck me....I really need a Machine Drum to go with my MPC...
posted in MPC4000 Beats